
Why You Need a Home Diffuser

wellness parenting struggles diffuser
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Essential oil diffusers are benefiting everyone in the home, from the baby to the dog, to the parents that keep the whole household happy and healthy. In this post, we explain how a modern diffuser can help with the parenting struggles of wellness in your home.

wellness parenting struggles diffuserModern diffusers are ready and waiting for you at the end of a long day, and with just a push of a button you can release relaxing essential oils that not only will help you sleep better, they also keep illness at bay. For a more relaxing and deep sleep try a blast of chamomile, clary sage or lavender before bed.

essential oils wellness parenting strugglesEssential oils are extremely powerful in the anti-microbial department, as the organic compounds from the oils come into direct contact with airborne pathogens, keeping your family safe from colds and flu. For boosting your immunity you can use tea tree, sage, thyme, grapefruit or lemon oil.

Unobstructed breathing is essential to life and if you are congested or have inflammation that makes taking a deep breath difficult, you will want to find a relief as soon as possible. Peppermint, eucalyptus, rosemary, and lemon all help to open up clogged airways.

If you are feeling sluggish and don’t need another coffee to perk you up, try to gather energy through the use of your diffuser. Pine, lemon, and peppermint are all recommended to get your brain function back on track.

As you can see, some of the essential oils overlap in their healing effects, so you are sure to discover the aroma that is just right for you.

Life without a conventional diffuser is possible too. All you need is a tea kettle or a pot with water which you can heat up on your stovetop, add a few drops of essential oils and enjoy the relaxation that comes with it.

Another alternative is to make your own essential oil reed diffusers. They are cost-effective, chemical-free, and look great on your bookshelf.

Here is a post by Ashley, otherwise known as the Cold Texan, on why you may want to stay away from store bought fragrances and make your own. Citrus Spiced Cider Essential Oil Room Spray.


What are your favorite essential oils to use? Please share with us in the comments!

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