ParentingParenting StrugglesWellness

Tips for Self Care and Relaxation as a Busy Parent

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Life sometimes gets us down. A combination of working (at the office or at home), taking care of kids and always being on the go, can make it a challenge to find the time to be alone with our own creative and important thoughts. We have been taught to follow the rule that first and foremost we must take care of others when in reality it is so important to take care of ourselves.

Find Ways to Destress

Stress is a killer, literally and figuratively. In this age of digitals keys and buttons, a digital detox may be necessary to save your sanity. Note: it is okay to take technology away from your kids too. They will find plenty to do without a screen. Best of all, if you set the example, your young ones may find the much-needed quiet time to get lost in a book, or a puzzle or game.

Find a Way to Get a Little Me Time

But now, back to you.

Did you know there are at least 20 easy ways to recharge your batteries? They range from saying no to any activities to adult coloring books, from meditation to writing a gratitude list, from taking a much-deserved nap (make sure you have a backup plan for the kids to be elsewhere) to eating whatever You want. Naturally, it should be healthy, perhaps full of protein – something that satisfies your cravings, not someone else’s.

You might think that these are all simple things, not really treats… but they do a body, and mind, good. All the little things that help us relax will calm our tempers, lessen our anxiety and ultimately make us better parents. Sometimes all we need is a little space, an hour or two of quiet to clear our heads from cartoon songs and toys/laundry/artwork that needs to be picked up from the floor. The clutter can wait, not forever, but it can wait.

Try Epsom Salt

And I know it is hard to find time for self-care. I wear a lot of hats. I am a stay at home dad, a blogger, and private chef. When I am not chasing a toddler around all day or researching parenting books, you can often find me either training or competing in tennis tournaments. Because of my on-the-go lifestyle, I often turn to Epsom salt to either soak my tired feet or my sore body.

If you have never tried an Epsom salt bath for relaxing and soothing sore or cramping muscles, you must try it tonight, at least the next time you carve some free time for yourself.

What’s in it for you?

Well, an Epsom salt bath helps your body deal with stress, the killer I mentioned above. It drains our bodies of magnesium and increases adrenaline levels. Not good. Short-term stress is good for us but in the long run. If every day is an uphill battle then our quality of life suffers. We become irritable, take it out on others and take offense when things don’t seem to be going our way.

Epsom salts, added to a warm bath, helps in the production of serotonin. This will, in turn, promotes calmness and feelings of peace. After a long day “on the run”, it will help relieve pain and inflammation. Not only from your feet but can be used for migraine strength headaches as well. If it is hard to fall asleep at night with so many thoughts running through your head (school lunch, work, play dates, soccer practice, dance lessons, cello, what to buy at the store so I can plan meals for the rest of the week, oh and what kind of snacks…), know that a nice salty bath will promote a more restful sleep too. You may even want to add some lavender essential oil to your bath, just a few drops, to top off the relaxation cure of a busy parent.

Remember Relax

Relaxation is key to keeping a busy life successful. Life with stress, it is okay to be busy some of the time. It is not so busy that you miss out on the entertaining parts of life. Learn to let the difficulties of life pass you by, sweep them under the rug for the moment and go out, enjoy a coffee with your mates. Take excellent care of yourself, so that you can take exceptional care of others. We will all get stronger, and become more resilient that way.

In what ways do you relax after an entire week on your feet? Let us know in the comments below!

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