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Change you eating, change your health

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eating and wellnessAs parents of any age, it is extremely important to consciously watch what our kids are eating (as well as what we consume) and seek out ways to improve our wellness so that we can be around for our children and grandchildren. By being around, I don’t just mean sitting on the couch, helping with homework and watching television, I mean being there for them in a very emotional and physical way – taking them out for bike rides, hiking, rowing, playing basketball, or whatever they are into.

men's wellnessIt turns out that men are leading the way in rates of heart disease, making it the leading cause of death, accounting for every 1 in 4 male deaths. LDL and inflammation play a major role in health risk, and heart disease is more than just cholesterol.

What’s LDL? It stands for low-density lipoprotein. And it is not on the good cholesterol team, rather it belongs to the opponent and it can be harmful for your health. It gets a bad name because it becomes the plaque that clogs arteries and puts you at risk for strokes and heart attacks.

So, how can you tell which type of LDL you have?

All you have to do is determine your ratio of triglycerides to HDL cholesterol, which would be found in the results of your last cholesterol screening. If your ratio is less than 2, you have predominantly large, fluffy LDL particles that are not going to do you much harm. If your ratio is greater than 4, you have a lot of small, dense LDL particles that can accelerate the development of atherosclerotic plaques – regardless of your total cholesterol levels. This is associated with elevated insulin levels usually related to increased sugar consumption.

To help decrease your LDL and increase your HDL (high-density lipoprotein) you are going to need to change your diet. Forget the hamburgers and pizza and switch your focus to higher quality fats that nourish your body, rather than drag it down.

You will want to increase your omega 3’s with LNA Alpha-linolenic acid, choosing wild fish, not farmed, such as salmon, trout, mackerel, sardines. You can also include generous amounts of walnuts, hemp, flax, canola, soybean, dark green leaves, chia seeds and pumpkin seed oil into your diet.

Getting healthy can be a complete lifestyle change and it can be overwhelming, it is good to find support while you make the transition to a new, healthier you. Your kids, and grandkids, are counting on you to be present at their wedding, so make these all-important food changes starting today!

What are your favorite foods that help keep your LDL’s at low levels?

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