
The Journey Becoming New Parents

feeding your baby
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new parents

We are preparing to travel on a new journey. We are becoming new parents. Yes, we have decided to have a baby. I know that people have made babies for millions of years; however, the creation of life will never become any less of a miracle.

This adventure for us is full of joy, excitement, fear, and amazement. As I discover how to become a new day, I will also share information on the research that I find, such as:

  • How to prepare for a new baby

  • How to feed a baby

  • How to transition a baby from breastfeeding to bottle-feeding

  • How much coffee is enough to keep a new dad awake.

When you take two rookie parents and add a tiny human into the equation, the journey is guaranteed to be magical and funny.

Thank you for following along on this adventure! I will share my parenting struggles with you and the experiences of other parents.

I know that there are thousands and thousands of mommy blogs or websites on motherhood. My attempt is to share parenting research, my experiences as a dad -minus the dad jokes, and address some parenting struggles from around the world.

I look forward to meeting my tiny human, and I hope you find this site to be fun and helpful.

A dad to be!

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